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Showing posts from February, 2025

Gene therapy to prevent side effects from aminoglycoside antibiotics

If you know me, you know that I am passionate about antibacterial soap. Passionate about how much a hate it, that is. I know it has it's place, like in hospitals, or in the homes of immunocompromised people, probably. But you won't find it in my house because I happen to think of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as a real life boogey man, and as a healthy enough individual I want to do my best to not contribute to that particular monster. Development of, and access to novel antibiotics is a recognized unmet global public health need . That's one reason I found this study published last month so exciting. Ok, it was also because it overlaps with my interests in sensory neuroscience, but I won't be talking about that here. The Indiana University authors of the linked paper are searching for a therapy that, when used prior to or in combination with aminoglycoside antibiotics, will prevent drug-induced hearing loss. You see, aminoglycosides (AGs for short) are a class of ant...